Wpis z mikrobloga

- Bogdan, the Star Fleet is having a shooting fest in the garage, while you are sitting there and drinking all day, you had to assemble an anti-theft system, so the Luc won't take the Opel, WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU?
- You whore. For sixteen years the guys at work were laughing of me right in my face, that I haven't eaten you to seal these eggs, and the work at post office ain't easy. While I was sitting at sorting office I was constantly hearing the whispers: "Look, it's this pervert who haven't eaten his wife" "Look, it's this son of a bitch, let's spray on his Corsa 'You have no right to keep the fish sign on your hatch!'" It didn't helped much when I moved to working behind transaction window. Everyone who knows me is spitting on me through the holes in the glass. WHAT KIND OF MAN AM I? I"LL SHOW RIGHT NOW YOU WHAT KIND OF MAN I AM!
- Bohdan, Bohdaaaan!

#kapitanbomba #captainbomb #heheszki
flecker - - Bogdan, the Star Fleet is having a shooting fest in the garage, while you...

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