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Mail od pracodawcy w #uk , prawdopodobnie niedlugo wysle sie sam na prace z domu ze wzgledu na #koronawirus ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) a tak na serio jako, ze pracuje w takim miejscu gdzie nie mozna pozwolic sobie na przestoj za bardzo to modle sie, zebym nie zostal nominowany do skeleton crew, ktore bedzie musialo tu dyzurowac raz na jakis czas. Zawsze jak slysze skeleton crew przypomina mi sie ekipa sprzatajaca dach w Czarnobylu ( ͡° ʖ̯ ͡°)

Dear All,

Clearly the situation and advice on Coronavirus is changing rapidly. The purpose of this note is to share with you the latest guidance from XXX are doing in terms of contingency planning.

The XXX (Bronze) Business Continuity Team (Myself and other XXX colleagues attend) is currently meeting on a daily basis dovetailing with the XXX Silver and Gold Teams. In turn, I have established a daily meeting with XXX managers to ensure we disseminate and respond in a timely manner to the rapidly changing situation.

I encourage you to read regularly the latest guidance here: https://

Recently updated guidance now includes:

Vulnerable staff should be encouraged to work from home. I have asked line managers to discuss with staff in this category and agree individually appropriate action. Your line manager will talk to you Monday morning if you are in this category. (The current definition of vulnerable is: To be agreed by Line Managers but this includes staff with asthma, heart disease, diabetes and those who are immunosuppressed; Those who are sole carers and provide essential care for vulnerable people as defined above, or children; All those over 70.)

Any staff with a new persistent cough or a temperature of 37.8 degrees and above should self-isolate for 7 days. Please ensure you follow the normal sick reporting procedure, advising you line manager you are self-isolating.

No International business travel. (This doesn’t affect Estates staff) Along with all XXX departments, the XXX Management team are preparing contingency plans in readiness for moving to the next level.

These plans include:

Identifying staff who can work from home;

Plan remote IT access for home working

Plans for maintaining business critical services and infrastructure.

Contingencies for reduced staffing levels.

I or you line managers will keep you updated on XXX specific plans as they evolve.

As you all know, this is an unprecedented situation that continues to evolve. This will be a time where priority will always be safety and health of staff, alongside a need for us all to be flexible and pragmatic in adjusting our duties to reflect the situation – working as teams to deliver the best we can in the situation we are in.

I thank you in advance for your support,

Best Wishes

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