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Leader Skill: "Revenge" or "Low-Class Warrior" Category Ki +4 HP +130% and ATK & DEF +170%
Passive Skill: ATK & DEF +120% plus an additional ATK +10% per "Low-Class Warrior" Category ally on the team (up to 50%); attacks effective against all types when there is a "Wicked Bloodline" Category enemy.
Super Attack: Raises DEF and causes immense damage to enemy

SSJ Bardock:
Super Attack: Raises ATK & DEF for 1 turn, causes immense damage to enemy and greatly lowers DEF
Passive: ATK +180% and DEF +100%; attacks effective against all type when attacking an Extreme Class enemies; Ki +3, chance of performing a critical hit and evading enemy's attack (including Super Attack) +18% and reduces damage received by 18% for 5 turns from start of turn; launches an additional attack that has a high chance of becoming a super and all attacks become critical hits when there is a "Wicked Bloodline" Category enemy.

No i LR PHY Gohan (Kid) będzie miał EZA medalami z Extreme Super Battle Road a każdy etap będzie miał 10 etapów podzielonych na różne typy... ( _)
Jest szansa że ESBR nie będzie ma Globalu bo podobno jedną z nagród mają być naklejki, których na GLB jeszcze nie ma ale póki co to nic pewnego.

#dokkannow #dokkanbattle
janushek - Bardock:
Leader Skill: "Revenge" or "Low-Class Warrior" Category Ki +4 HP...
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Jakieś gówno z tego wyszło co napisałem, no "nowy" SBR wygląda jak remake tego pierwszego gdzie właśnie nagrodą był Gohan
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