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Czy ktoś może mi pokrótce wyjaśnić o co chodzi w poniższym fragmencie? Czy 255 MHz to dalej #5g?
Dlaczego wystawienie na przetarg widma zmniejszy ilość operatorow widma, ktorzy moga wygrać w paśmie 2.3GHz?
Czym są BT/EE?
O co chodzi z końcowym komentarzem o Vodafone?

#technologia #przemysl

When auctioning the spectrum, we will impose two different restrictions on bidders. These will limit the amount of spectrum operators can win in the 2.3GHz band; and place overall limits on the spectrum an operator can win across the 2.3GHz and 3.4GHz bands in aggregate.2

First, as we proposed in November last year, we will place a cap of 255 MHz on the “immediately useable” spectrum that any one operator can hold as a result of the auction. This cap means BT/EE will not be able to bid for spectrum in the 2.3GHz band.3
Second, we have decided to place a new, additional cap of 340 MHz on the overall amount of mobile spectrum a single operator can hold as a result of the auction. This cap amounts to 37% of all the mobile spectrum expected to be useable in 2020, which includes not only the spectrum available in this auction but also the 700MHz band.

Taken together, the effect of the caps will be to reduce BT/EE’s overall share of mobile spectrum; the company can win a maximum 85 MHz of new spectrum in the 3.4GHz band.

The overall cap also means that Vodafone could gain a maximum 160 MHz of spectrum across both the 2.3GHz and 3.4GHz bands.

Link: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/about-ofcom/latest/media/media-releases/2017/ofcom-sets-rules-for-mobile-spectrum-auction
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