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my city is bialystok my life is bialystok my name is kononowicz krzysztof i was born on 21st of january 1963 in ketrzyn voivodeship olsztynskie id like to present my curriculum vitae i graduated vocational school as driver mechanic i own my property wooden house i have a mother i have a brother my dad is dead but dad is really is my deserved he fought for warsaw he fought for poland he fought for god but there is no father he is gone like i say he changed his place of residence he is now in heaven and from there he looks how i candidate for the president of bialystok thank you very much my city is bialystok my life is bialystok i want to do following things for our city bialystok completely remove all the alcohol cigarettes and drugs for young people improve in our bialystok public transport public and long-distance yes because our transport is very very poor very bad open workplaces for young people and adults yes i really want to do that improve in our city in the entire podlasie region so that there are no robberies so that there is nothing so that elders could pass because even now it comes to me complains demands apeals old people elderly tak young people bother and im not surprised that young people bother old people attack they attack and so on because young people have no jobs they have no jobs our workplaces in bialystok are destroyed before they are built rather than improve bialystok so that workplaces are destroyed like fasty just like bakery here in bialystok just like spomasz in starosielcach just like and other workplaces are destroyed i also want to move the police to streets so that police looks after all our order because that is what police is for that is what they are for that is what they are for they are for that in my public office there will be order there will be no corruption just there will be real people in winter architecs will design blueprints of streets bluepritns of streets ill say it one more time blueprints of streets and in spring we will build streets and streets because what streets we have which road we have what happened in jazewo what happened happened drivers also will be severly punished by the police for alcohol for cigarettes for everything and also i will improve borders w kuznica and bobrowniki so that borders between belarus and us will be really really there will be a border so that there is no smuggling and no cigarettes no drugs nor alcohol ladies and gentleman i candiate from the shoulder polasia of the 21 century i insist that you vote for me this is what i presented my demands i will do all of this because and it is worth it to vote for me because im an honest and fair man im not like the other parties other committees other parties speak but do nothing they did nothing for the bialystok city and all that i said will be done because im christiand and practicing and i know how to do it how to make how to improve the streets how all how to remove cigarettes how to remove everything i insist all of the bialystok city and all podlasie to vote for me thank you very much
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