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Czyli mielismy zmudne nadzieje i falszywy obraz sytuacji. Bootcamp w Europie okazal sie koszmarna pomylka

FPX had been scrimming with G2 ever since they arrived in Europe on Oct 2nd and G2 was the team they scrimmed the most with, so they knew G2 very well. (Tian)They had special picks prepared for worlds but they won without using them. One of the secret picks he had was Taliyah. They had seen the Pyke mid in scrims and expected the Veigar pick in final too.

(Crisp) FPX scrimmed a lot with G2. G2 were like their brothers. FPX won about 9 out of every 10 scrim games with G2. The week before the final, FPX scrimmed with a team that was around 4th/5th in LEC. They played 6 games and that's all.

(Crisp) They never felt they could win the whole thing and thought they would go home before every BO5, until G2 knocked out SKT. SKT was destroying every team in scrims. FPX beat every other team in scrims, including IG, but went 1-5 against SKT. He thought they were going home after scrimming with SKT. He had no idea how SKT got knocked out by G2. He watched the semi-final series and thought SKT didn't look that strong at all.

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