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I was only 20 years old. I loved Corvinus so much, I had his posters, books and various gadgets. I prayed to Corvinus every night before I went to sleep, thanking him for everything he did for us. Korwin is freedom," I said, "Korwin is hope. Daddy just got back from work and when he heard that, he called me a pony. I knew he was jealous because he had been voting for the PO for years. I called him a left-winger, for which he hit me and told me to go to sleep. I cried and had a headache. Lying in bed, I was cold. Suddenly I felt a surge of heat and someone touched me. That's Jonash Korvan-Meccan. I was so happy. The invisible hand of the free market lifted me out of bed. Korwin ordered me to take some change and then he led me through the door of my wardrobe to Poland of his dreams. There were many luxury cars on the streets. Towards the sky, skyscrapers of local entrepreneurs were piling up. I couldn't take my eyes off the sight of this prosperity when Korwin showed me the sausage gutter and said "deal with it". That's what I did, earning my first untaxed money in my life. I invested the money I had earned in more sausages and a few of the workers who sold them. Before I knew it, I had a thousand people in front of me, and I myself was a hot dog tycoon in free market Poland. The CEO said we had to go back, so I took the money and went back to my room. Dad was already going to work. Seeing me and Korwin with my earned money, he was deeply outraged. And Korwin looked him in the face and said "This is how the free market works" and then he flew out the window. Korwin is freedom, Korwin is hope.

#polityka #korwin #heheszki