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Nie osiągnęła sukcesu, bo nikt nie mówi o globalnym ociepleniu, tylko o memach z dzieckiem. Efekt kompletnie odwrotny od zamierzonego.

Tymczasem w Kanadzie...

Hundreds of thousands of people have joined climate strike marches across Canada, with almost 100 events planned in cities and towns.

Protesters are taking part in the global climate strike movement, which has seen people around the world take to the streets.The movement wants world leaders to adopt ambitious climate change policy.

Initial school strikes were inspired by Swedish campaigner Greta Thunberg's "Fridays for Future" movement.

The 16-year-old - who on Monday chastised world leaders at the United Nations over their failure to do more - spoke in Montreal at the start of strikes in the city, which are expected to draw more than 300,000 people.

Niezłe osiągnięcia jak na 16 latke.


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