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Co ciekawsze cytaty z wątku CentOS-devel - CentOS 8/7.7 ichniej listy dyskusyjnej:

Victor Mason - całość, początek

What's the hold up on both of these? Are we back to the old days?


The whole point of setting the update page at


was so people didn't constantly ask about release dates. Redirecting queries there is completely fair if someone updates the damn thing. It's now been a few weeks with complete radio silence.

It's been 4 months since RHEL8 was released and we are coming over a month for 7.7 with a bunch of security updates piling up.

Nobody from the outside who depends on this has any visibility into it and it's frustrating. Is this an IBM thing? What the hell is going on?

Jeffrey Layton - wycinek

But one person pointed out to me that perhaps Red Hat, since it "owns" CentOS, may actually want to delay it to get people, like me, to buy RHEL.

I think this is a little too conspiracy for me, but you have to admit that the longer it is held up, the greater the possibility people will buy RHEL.

Karanbir Singh - (CentOS) - wycinki. Bardzo politycznie, szkoda, że nie doprecyzował tego "lot more" :|

w.r.t the IBM question, I cant answer for them. Your best bet is to reach out to the PR and Communication channels for IBM in your region etc, and ask them.

disclaimer: While I do work for Red Hat, my role as project lead for CentOS Project is removed from my dayjob and scope/role. My comments here are presented as my role in the CentOS project.

there is a lot more that goes into the distro part than just building a set of packages and over the fence, I suspect that part is being lost in the msgs somewhere.

Rich Bowen (Red Hat)

No, it's not "an IBM thing". More details will be available next week.

Akshay Kumar - wycinki

Personally I think it's even perfectly reasonable to skip 8 and go straight to 8.1. Just perhaps some updates along the way on what the status is would be nice. The updates page was great for that till it stopped updating ;-)

> Barring that, it might help for you think of it like this: when developers go silent, it simply means they're busy working...

See this is where you guys start losing everyone. That is just a silly statement and pisses people off. You see people from the project tweeting left and right and not answering actual questions about release timelines. Then someone comes along and says something that is total and absolute crap.

Johnny Hughes (CentOS) - wycinki

WRT CentOS 8 .. it has taken a back seat to 7.7.1908. Millions of users already use CentOS Linux 7. Those people needs updates.

I would also like to point out .. there are 3 people who work on CentOS Linux. We do not have 1500 engineers to get work done.

Japheth Cleaver - wycinki

Is RH not providing enough resources to the CentOS Project? Previous posts from @redhat.com addresses have indicated how important the EL ecosystem is already, so how much justification can someone on the outside provide for it?

It's hard to shake the impression that there's a structural problem at work here. And if so, that warrants more frank communication from RedHat employees and others involved who could be wearing all their various hats at once.

Ode mnie...

Skoro 7.7 wyszło 17, a 8 planowane jest na 24, to mamy zaplanowany tydzień czasu na wydanie 8.

CentOS 8 zbudowany jest od 2019-06-28, RC wyszło "mid Aug". Miesięczny brak aktywności i informacji na/o 8, bo nagle przeszli do 7.7. :|

Dotychczas OIDP najdłuższym odstępem pomiędzy wydaniem RH a CentOS były 2 miesiące teraz, gdy RH jest sponsorem i właścicielem znaku towarowego, mamy już 4 miesiące, w tym miesiąc braku aktywności.

Pojawiły sie oczywiście głosy, że jak dostaje się coś za darmo, czy od osób za darmo pracujących, to nie należy mieć wobec tego żadnych oczekiwań. Nikt z 3 osobowego (za Johnny Hughes, są to on, Karanbir Singh i ktoś jeszcze) zaspołu CentOS nie zaprzeczył, że pracuja za darmo (chociaz właściwie mamy Karanbir Singh: "I do work for Red Hat").
Ponieważ (za Wikipedią):

In January 2014, Red Hat announced that it would sponsor the CentOS project, "helping to establish a platform well-suited to the needs of open source developers that integrate technologies in and around the operating system".[22] As a result of these changes, ownership of CentOS trademarks was transferred to Red Hat,[23] which now employs most of the CentOS head developers; however, they work as part of Red Hat's Open Source and Standards team, which operates separately from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux team.[8] A new CentOS governing board was also established.[9]

IMO jest dość interesujące, co właściwie sponsoruje Red Hat w zamian za tą kontrolę (oświadczenie Karanbir Singh) i znak towarowy?!?

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Dotychczas OIDP najdłuższym odstępem pomiędzy wydaniem RH a CentOS były 2 miesiące

@gzkk: przy piątce były znacznie dłuższe obsuwy, a 6.0 to chyba ponad pół roku. Jedynie z 7 szło w miarę gładko ostatnio.
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