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Irańczycy zajęli tankowiec, który posądzają o szmuglowanie irańskiej ropy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced that it had seized a foreign ship "smuggling fuel" in the Gulf on Thursday and days after reports of a British tanker being harassed in the region.

vessel seized by the IRGC was not actually a tanker, but was a small ship used to smuggle one million liters – not one million barrels – of crude oil.

“We do this (inspecting ships) every day. These are people who smuggle our oil,”

#iran #bliskiwschod #ropa
Źródło: globaltimes.cn
Źródło: press.tv
Martwiak - Irańczycy zajęli tankowiec, który posądzają o szmuglowanie irańskiej ropy ...

źródło: comment_6V4OkBdyLxhzmN5sYQpxQv663k5lVSGb.jpg

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