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Iran dwa dni po ataku izraelskim na Syrię przeprowadził konsultacje z Assadem:

Assad received in the capital Damascus Ali Asghar Khaji, a senior aide of the Iranian foreign minister, during which both sides discussed the developments of the Iranian nuclear agreement after Washington backed out of it, and "the recent U.S. escalatory positions which seek to destabilize the region and increase tension in it," said the report.

The visit comes two days after Israel carried out intensive missile strikes on Syria, reportedly targeting positions of the Iranian Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and Lebanese Hezbollah group.

Syria will support Iran against all threats, acts of aggression: President Assad

#syria #iran #usa #izrael #bliskiwschod

Martwiak - Iran dwa dni po ataku izraelskim na Syrię przeprowadził konsultacje z Assa...

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