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Z tego co rozumiem to niektóre Polki określają obcokrajowcom, Polaków mianem buraka, jako przeciętnego Polaka.
Trochę zakładam, a im pewnie bariera językowa przeszkadzała w rozmowie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
Nie tylko same sobie wyrabiają opinię to jeszcze szkalują drugą połowę narodu.

In the past I wrote about an Italian friend who taught me how to play “real-life Tinder.” One of his specialties, if you want to call it that, are Polish and Ukrainian women who are in relationships. He concluded that a Polish woman will only marry a man she knows she can cheat on, which is compatible with my own experiences in Poland. After further consideration, I started to wonder if that could be applied to all women.

In Poland, it’s common to see attractive women with “beetroots,” the local slang for a standard-issue Polish man who always happens to be far uglier than his woman. In a globalized world where a Polish woman can date any man from the world, why marry a beetroot? The answer is that Polish women are aggressive and blatant with cheating.

I’ve seen Polish women grind on other men in the club while the drunk boyfriend was nearby; I’ve heard incredible stories of Polish men allowing their girlfriends to enjoy what is essentially a single lifestyle; and I’ve been on the receiving end of many casual sex encounters from women who had Polish boyfriends. If you have a Mediterranean or African look, it’s almost a guarantee that any Polish girl you sleep with already has a boyfriend, or a man who at least considers himself the boyfriend.



#polki #poangielsku #p0lka #podryw #erasmus

Jak nie oceniam z góry ani ogólnikowo, tak te teksty są mocno przykre.
Oklasky - Z tego co rozumiem to niektóre Polki określają obcokrajowcom, Polaków miane...

źródło: comment_CVf3x2NVs6MInUyeb03JIRvNbpdjfc9w.jpg

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If you have a Mediterranean or African look, it’s almost a guarantee that any Polish girl you sleep with already has a boyfriend, or a man who at least considers himself the boyfriend.

@Oklasky: Niezłe dziwki
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