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@Wina_Segmentacji: It goes quite well. My wife prepares everthing for tomorrow ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). I do almost nothing. Only from time to time I go to check how my kids are and they are fine so nothing to do with them as well. Almost everything is already done. Just little bits and pieces to make everything perfect.

What is a reason for you to improve your
@Cumpelnastodwa Good to hear how your day is progressing, it sounds very positively.
I want to become fluent in it to be abke to use it in personal and professional settings. Unfortunately I have little opportunity so far to be in environment of either kind wher it is possible so I have to kinda force it somehow.

@Graner Glad to hear.
@Wina_Segmentacji: What I can suggest is to listen to NATIVE speakers but not english language teachers because their language is usually very clear. I mean SIMPLE people (gangsters, poor people, working class people). You can find lots of videos on youtube about almost every possible topic. It is difficault to understand different accents even if you know english quite well. Listen to Scotts or Irish people ( ͡° ͜ʖ