Wpis z mikrobloga

#ufik78news #javascript #programowanie

@tRNa, @Internatka, @Init0, @arba, @Internatka

00. Link - Vulkan bindings for JavaScript

01. Link - JavaScript engine fundamentals: optimizing prototypes

02. Link - Fear, trust and JavaScript: When types and functional programming fail

03. Link - Five tips I wish I knew when I started with Typescript

04. Link - WorkerDOM: Concurrency for JavaScript programming with the DOM

05. Link - Web Payments Overview

06. Link - Unearthing ClojureScript for Front-end Development

07. Link - Goodbye JavaScript, Hello WebAssembly

08. Link - A Beginner's Guide to JavaScript's Prototype

09. Link - I Don’t Believe in Full-Stack Engineering

10. Video - Practical Mini-Projects in Node.js - Umar Hansa
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