Wpis z mikrobloga

1. The US nuclear regulator is staffing its incident response centre in Atlanta around the clock as it expands its monitoring of Hurricane Florence and its effects on nuclear power plants and other licensed nuclear facilities.

2. The UK government has announced that eight organisations have been awarded contracts to produce feasibility studies as part of the first phase of an advanced small modular reactor feasibility and development project for which £44m of funding is available.

3. French nuclear group Orano has inaugurated a €1.15bn uranium conversion plant at its Tricastin site in southern France.
The state-owned company said in a statement on 10 September 2018 that the Philippe Coste conversion plant will account for a quarter of the world’s 60,000-tonne annual uranium hexafluoride (UF6) production capacity when it fully ramps up in 2021 and is set to have the industry’s lowest costs.

[4. The first full-scope simulator for the Chinese-developed Hualong One reactor has been delivered to the Fuqing nuclear power plant, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced on 14 September. [...] Construction of two Hualong One (HPR1000) units is also under way at China General Nuclear's Fangchenggang plant in the Guangxi Autonomous Region. Those units are also expected to start up in 2019 and 2020. Two HPR1000 units are under construction at Pakistan's Karachi nuclear power plant. Construction began on Karachi unit 2 in 2015 and unit 3 in 2016; the units are planned to enter commercial operation in 2021 and 2022. The HPR1000 has also been proposed for construction at Bradwell in the UK, where it is undergoing Generic Design Assessment.](http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Hualong-One-simulator-ready-for-operator-training)

5. 11 września na drugim bloku Nowoworonieżskiej Elektrowni Jądrowej - 2 (WWER-1200) rozpoczęto proces wejścia na parametry eksploatacyjne, czyli temperatura wody 280 stopni Celsjusza pod ciśnieniem 16 MPa.
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