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Ciekawe. Po lewej stronie cylinder znaleziony na miejscu ataku chemicznego w Doumie, po prawej cylinder który spadł rok temu w Khan Al-Assal pod Aleppo. Według Eliota Higginsa z bellingcat podobne cylindry znajdowano już wcześniej w innych miejscach.

Pozostał część jego wpisu na TT:

Looking at the information available so far on the Douma chemical attack, it appears a modified chlorine cylinder hit the roof of the building, penetrated into a bedroom, from where the gas (likely chlorine) spread.

The bedroom was quite close to a stairwell, with only two doors between the cylinder and stairwell. If the doors were open the gas would have spread very quickly through the building via the stairwell.

Frequently these chlorine cylinder land in open spaces, so the casualties are lower, but this was a direct hit, and it appears possible the gas could have spread through the building rapidly, which is likely why we're seeing comparatively high casualties.

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