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Taka mieszanka ode mnie:

Iron Savior - Megatropolis

Soulfly ft Corey Taylor - Jumpdafuckup

Epica - The Last Crusade

Atreyu - Right Side of the Bed

Sabaton - The Lion From The North

I taki komentarz a propos Atreyu:

Hey i just realized they're in an occult... look on the symbol of the drum kit. now i hate this song. An occult is basically selling yourself to the devil. Screw u devil. And if u look at the way the star is turned, it makes a cult head. Search it for yourself.

@Krzysiek1203_88: @GraveDigger: @JesterRaiin: @Maacabra: @djgreen: @Ja_Maciek: @gav: @klocek_lego: @Destr0: @Axelio: @knysha: @hellyea: @Kajetan8: @lewactwo: @mikolach: @odpowiedz_brzmi_nie: @Ned: @ColonelSanders: @magdalenas: @witoldzik: @tony838: @Ironyman89: @Krol_Julian: @bloodguy: @RafiRK: @gav: @Vilmathien: @kolnay1: @TotalnyPsychol: @Krb89: @surma: @SatanD: @InfernalWar: @Frozeno:

#muzyka #metal #szesciumuzyczniewspanialych
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