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Poland can Into Space - kinda role play run - goal was to recreate XX central Europe as it is now. Misson accomplished.

Bosnan cores dissapeard so I needed to create client state. I couldn't be bothered to do the same with Estonia/Livonia - Riga is enough. In the last year Greece sold 2 provinces to Bulgaria messing some Balkans but anyway its ok. Polotsk (aka Bielorus) and Kiev (aka Ukraine) is slightly too large on the east on cost of Russia, but...

It was very fun game to grow high, and to interfere in global politics using only enforce peace, guarantee and condotieri mechanics.

Lithuania, Polotsk, Kiev, Moldavia (aka Romania) and Nitra (aka Slovakia) are my Marches. France is my ally

#eu4 #europauniversalisboners #niemoje
Ragnarokk - Przepraszam za spam, ale to jest zbyt piękne by zostawić.

 Poland can I...

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@Ragnarokk: i to rozmieszczenie poszczególnych państw bardzo zbliżone do obecnego stanu rzeczy. pszypadeg?
mnie bohemia wyskoczyła spod kontroli i przeniosła się niemal całkowicie do niemiec, a tu nic...