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Dla przypomnienia:
1) Po zapisaniu się na jakiś kurs jest on na koncie dożywotnio czyli do czasu usunięcia Udemy.com
2) Kupony mają ograniczenie czasowe i/lub ilościowe. Dotyczy to również "kursów darmowych bez kuponów" - w dowolnym momencie kursy te mogą stać się płatne. Chcesz mieć jakiś kurs, to zapisuj się jak najszybciej. Smęty typu "a teraz jest płatne" ignoruję. Widocznie byłeś/byłaś za wolny/wolna.
3) Tak, śpię. Czasem nawet za dużo!

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Kursy darmowe z kuponami (-100%):

Learn to Trade for Profit:Trading with Japanese Candlesticks
The Complete PHP MySQL Professional Course with 5 Projects
Marketing Fundamentals - 5 Pillars - Learn-Apply-Earn
Elliott Wave -Forex Trading With The Elliott Wave Theory
Learn CSS Web Design & Development Beginner CSS introduction

Kursy darmowe bez kuponów:

The Complete MATLAB Training Bundle (5 courses)
JQuery Master: Beginner To Advanced , 5 Projects included!
Understanding JBDC with PostgreSQL (A step by step guide)
NewTek NDI - Introduction to IP Video Production
Music Production - 7 Essentials in Ableton Live 9!
Learn F# Cross-platform programming language
Easy Video Creation For Marketers and Businesses
Complete Baby & Child Sleep Solutions from The Sleep Nanny
Essential Presentations for Business Analysts and Consultant
Big Data And Hadoop For Beginners - With Hands-On
Guides on 8051, PIC16F877A & Arduino Projects for INVENTORS
Emergency override traffic light system with PIC16F877A
Password based Wireless Home Automation with PIC16F877A
Traffic light with GSM Density checker using PIC16F877A
LDR based smart street light with PIC16F877A
Water level indicator with seven segement using PIC16F877A
Password Based Security System with GSM Alert (PIC16F877A)
PCB design with Proteus ISIS (Complete guide for Beginners)
Rash Drive/High Speed Detector with GSM alert (PIC16F877A)
Water level indicator with Tank status checker (PIC16F877A)
Kotlin from the beginning to pro and intro to GUI
SQL - The Beginners Guide
Study English Anywhere- English Language Advanced Course
Study English Anywhere- English Language Beginner Course
Excel - A Step by Step Complete Course
Master the GMAT Work and Rate problems
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