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Kerb Crawling - czyli powolne poruszanie się samochodem wzdłuż jezdni i składanie propozycji przechodniom.

W #uk jest to przestępstwo karane kara finansową do £1000, pozbawieniem prawa jazdy.


Kerb Crawling

Any person who attempts to solicit the services of a prostitute from a vehicle whilst driving on a street or in a public area will be breaking the law as per the legislation set out in the Sexual Offences Act 1985. What is more, this type of activity, often referred to as ‘kerb crawling' is an offence as per section 71 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 if it can be demonstrated that the activity caused grievance or annoyance to others who live in the area or if the behaviour is repetitive or persistent.

The penalties for those found guilty of kerb crawling include a top fine of £1,000 and a disqualification from driving under the Powers of the Criminal Courts Act 2000. As well as these punishments, offenders may be presented with an anti-social behaviour order (ASBO), a civil injunction or an acceptable behaviour contract.


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