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#4konserwy - czas na bojkot Google.

The winner of the 2017 Doodle 4 Google contest is Sarah Harrison from Connecticut, who sees “a peaceful future” in the years ahead. In this splendid, visionary piece, she drew a group of people from different backgrounds coming together to create one harmonious community. Here’s how she explains her art: “My future is a world where we can all learn to love each other despite our religion, gender, race, ethnicity, or sexuality. I dream of a future where everyone is safe and accepted wherever they go, whoever they are.”

#bekazlewactwa #bekazfeministek #stopislamizacjieuropy #islamizacja #gender
Więcej o równości w Google.
Tom_Ja - #4konserwy - czas na bojkot Google.
 The winner of the 2017 Doodle 4 Google ...

źródło: comment_gchdd7qP9L3whjFqDLwWvQhI4ZmlI301.jpg

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