Wpis z mikrobloga

Dlaczego to tak długo trwa? Kasę dostali 20 stycznia, a dalej jest w fazie "processing". Na to pytanie dostałem taką odpowiedź. Co dokładnie oznacza to "back order", że małe rączki pakują na magazynie? To chyba mój ostatni zakup.

Thank you for contacting Gearbest about your order.

We are in the business of processing your order now. However, please note the item is currently on back order.

In this case we can offer you 3 options:

Option 1: Wait a little longer.

Please forgive me that I can't give you a precise date since there are many unexpected factors.

Once we ship it we will send you an email with the delivery information.

Option 2: Exchange for another item of your choice.

Please send us the link of the product you would like to choose instead.

If there is any price difference with the original item, we will either refund it to you on your Wallet or send you an invoice to cover the difference.

Option 3: Cancel and refund.

We can refund to your wallet and reward you with extra points(e.g. If your refund is USD 1=2 points, USD 3=3*2 points=>get 6 points etc). This amount can be used for your future orders.

To know more about your Wallet click here: http://www.gearbest.com/about/gb-wallet.html

Refunds to your online Wallet can be completed within 24 hours.

Please let us know which option you decide.

#gearbest #xiaomi
  • 5
@abc3: Zamówiłem przed ich Nowym Rokiem dwie paczki. Jedna została wysłana i już jest w Polsce, a druga jeszcze w "lesie". Natomiast "back order" może znaczyć, że czekają na dostawę tak jak pisał @PurpleHaze.