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Ile średnio czekacie na zmianę statusu na trackingu na to że paczka doszła do Francji? Wysyłka 27.12 przez seller's shipping method u HK Goldwaya, tracking stoi od 28.12.
#aliexpress #xiaomi
  • 17
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2016-12-26 15:22:33 Electronic information has been received [ CN]
2016-12-27 14:26:57 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment [ CN]
2016-12-28 05:32:24 The item has been arrival the transport center of SF. [ HK]
2016-12-28 06:05:47 The item has been departure the transport center of SF.
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@darvd29: to wiem, ale #!$%@? mnie obecny telefon i już chcę mojego mi5s dostać w łapki :D
@widmo82: 2016-12-28 07:46:00 【8,HONG KONG】【HONG KONG】 The shipment is being forwarded, please wait patiently.
2016-12-27 23:34:09 【8,SHENZHEN CITY】【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment arrive at SHENZHEN CITY distribution center
2016-12-27 23:06:45 【8,SHENZHEN CITY】【SHENZHEN CITY】 Shipment transiting to next station
2016-12-27 20:12:19 【8,SHENZHEN CITY】【SHENZHEN CITY】 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment
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yłkę 27, ale już jest we Francji :D

@hekan: (,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(,)(
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@jodla: U mnie tak to idzie:

2016-12-29 11:00:34 Electronic information has been received [ CN]
2016-12-29 21:17:56 S.F. Express has picked up the shipment [ CN]
2016-12-30 04:21:23 The item has been arrival the transport center of SF. [ CN]
2016-12-30 04:22:39 The item has been departure the transport center of SF.
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@jodla: Moja juz w sortowni u mnie w mieście, a dzis święto i dupa... Wiecie może czy bede mógł jutro osobiście odebrać w oddziale ? Bo jak nie to dopiero w poniedziałek będzie :(
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