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#scarychart a raczej tabelka..

Prognozy #imf vs rzeczywistość, #ekonomia to ciekawe zwierze. Jestem ciekaw jak inne wyrocznie i ich sprawdzalność. IMF Średnio mylili się o 1/3 w podanych przykładach, trochę naciągane.

Notice the large negative gaps: Greece at -21 percentage points, Cyprus at -18 percentage points, Finland at -15 percentage points and so on... the bird-eye's view of the IMF's horrific errors is:

Two 'programme' countries - where the IMF is one of the economic policy 'masters', so at the very least it should have known what was happening on the ground; and

IMF's sheer incomprehension of economic drivers for growth in the case of Finland, which, until the recession hit it, was the darling of IMF's 'competitiveness leaders board'.

r.....t - #scarychart a raczej tabelka..

Prognozy #imf vs rzeczywistość, #ekonomia...

źródło: comment_h3Lw3mRcJpEIK74slJfdDnH13PwHCllA.jpg

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