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przypominam, że do środy 19 października możliwość zgarnięcia 10$ za rejestracje na #topcashback
wypłacalne gdy zdobędziemy min. 10$ cashbacku
poźniej wypłaty bez ceny minimalnej
warunki /edit widzę tylko, że zalogowani to zobaczą, w takim razie niżej przeklejam
ogólne info o TC, instrukcja i ref

pozwolę sobie zawołać społeczeństwo kupujące w chinach

Your current Tell-a-Friend bonus is $10 for the referrer and $10 for the referred member

For the referral to be successful, your friend must click on your unique Tell-a-Friend link and sign up to the site on that click-through.
For the Tell-a-Friend bonus to be applied to your account, your friend must authenticate their TopCashback account and reach a minimum cashback threshold of $10 cashback.
Both bonuses will become Payable when your friend has a minimum of $10 cashback at Payable status
Only referral bonuses for genuine sign-ups will be paid. We will not pay the bonus for any referrals where the new account has been terminated. Multiple accounts created for use by the same person or any fraudulent signups may result in termination of your account and all accounts which we deem to be linked.
The criteria used to determine referral thresholds may be adjusted at any time.
Any invites sent via our 'email and share' submission form must only be sent to people you know.
Your referral link should not be used in search engine sponsored listings (e.g. Google Adwords) or any other paid advertising without the prior permission of TopCashback.
Members who falsely impersonate TopCashback within www.topcashback.com or external sites to gain clicks on their referral link will not be paid referral bonuses and risk the termination of their TopCashback account. This includes but is not limited to; impersonation of TopCashback or pretending to be a representative of TopCashback and making false claims relating to any rewards that may come as a result of signing up to the site.
The referral bonus amount may increase or decrease at any time. When the referral bonus amount has changed, you will be eligible to receive the amount that was advertised on the site at the time your friend signed up from your link, which may be different to the amount offered when you sent the link to your friend or when the bonus was applied to your account.
View our standard Terms and Conditions for more information.
Iframes should not be used as a way of generating referrals unless expressly permitted by TopCashback.
Some transactions will not count towards your friend’s referral threshold, including sign-up bonuses and any cashback awarded from the list of merchants below. This list is subject to change at any time.
źródło: comment_D7Uv5UiA5f6WDthXhq389SFqsaBEsP65.jpg
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@trollasek mirku a pamietasz od kiedy była ta promocja ?? Na ich blogu od 5 października ale ja zakladajac konto z 12 wrzesnia wiedziałem, ze ta promocja juz była aktywna !!