Wpis z mikrobloga

@vlodek2532: miałem to samo i napisałem maila o co chodzi i dostałem taką odpowiedz:

We are writing to inform you that your EntroPay account has been suspended.

We take security very seriously, and we suspend any account where there is or appears to be any activity of a suspicious nature. We are obliged to carry out such measures in the interest of our genuine customers. We have refunded USD2.93 to your card. Please note that your EntroPay VISA Card(s) will now be declined by merchants and you will no longer be able to login on our website. If you require further detail, or believe that our decision is unjustified, please contact our Customer Support team using the help links on our website or by emailing support@entropay.com. And we will endeavour to help where we can.
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