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"idziemy ci #!$%@?... albo nie - idziemy sie powiesic"
Vanhelga to jeden z najprawilniejszych zespolow #dsbm z kolebki gatunku czyli Szwecji.
W ogole to ci kolesie sa #!$%@? - "wizyty" w psychiatrykach to norma. Nawet epke wydali w takich klimatach - lpt

"This creation is the result of a long period of time being hospitalized under the Swedish law called "LPT". I had no freedom at all and the only thing present was total misery and silence. All lyrics, music and artwork was created during this time of isolation because I was lucky and had access to a laptop.

The conclusion of this is; if you want to get a feeling of the anxiety, misery, depression and pain that being locked inside of a psychiatric ward provides – listen to this piece of art."

Bylem na ich koncercie i powiem, ze czuc od nich prawdziwa "#!$%@?" i az strach podchodzic pod scene :] a zapraszali:
"hey come closer to the stage, we won't rape anyone... well he might, actually" powiedzial wokalista wskazujac gitarzyste w bialej kominiarce i porwanej, zakrwawionej bluzie ( ͡º ͜ʖ͡º)

moj ulubiony kawalek Vanhelgi i w ogole: https://youtu.be/AnZuLG9JBSc
#svegdm #dsbm #muzyka
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