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Napisałem do rackservice z zapytaniem o co biega z serwerem.
po dosłownie minucie dostałem odpowiedź:

Hello Damian,

We are sorry to hear your issue. We have heard of this issue from customers who are located in the same dedicated server (machine) as your servers are (#dc2).

We're already working in moving all the servers to new machines in another provider to prevent this issue from happening any further.


Kevin M


Kilka dni temu dostałem też email ale dopiero teraz go zauważyłem:

Dear Customer,

Due to a hardware issue we are experiencing in our server #dc2 where your Assetto Corsa is located at we are forced to move your server to a new machine.

We would like to do this as soon as possible and would like to request you to confirm there is no issue with us moving your server to a new machine soon. If there is a date you cant have the server moved for a specific reason please let us know so we can find a suitable date for you.

Else please reply to this email confirming you agree the server to be moved to a new machine.


- No data is lost in the server move, all files are copied

- If you have Minorating / sTracker on your server, all files are in a backup and will be restored, nothing is lost.

We apologize for this incovenience, the reason for the server move is to avoid your server from having future issues or any downtime as that is something we dont want.

Please reply as soon as possible.

Thanks for understanding

Kevin M, RackService

Już pozwoliłem na przeniesienie naszych serwerów ( ͡ ͜ʖ ͡) Także powinno być lepiej.

#assettocorsa #acleague
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