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Egzekucja sanitariuszki

Brytyjska sanitariuszka Edith Cavell staje w Belgii przed niemieckim plutonem egzekucyjnym za ukrywanie poszukiwanych przez władze okupacyjne Belgów oraz pomoc udzielaną żołnierzom brytyjskim i francuskim w ich ucieczce ku granicy holenderskiej. Brutalność Niemców wywołuje międzynarodowe oburzenie. Cavell zostanie rozstrzelana 12.10.1915. Oto jej słowa przed śmiercią:

„I have no fear or shrinking. I have seen death so often, that it is not fearful or strange to me. And this I would say standing as I do in view of God and Eternity. I realized that patriotism is not enough. I must have no hatred or bitterness against anyone”.

Gottfried Benn tak opisze to wydarzenie:

“I was ordered to be present at the trial and execution of Edith Cavell. I followed the trial from first to last and frequently spoke with her. I certified her death, closed her eyes, and placed her body in the coffin. She was the bravest woman I ever met, and was in every respect the heroine her nation has made of her.She went to death with poise and with a bearing that is impossible to forget. She had, however, acted as a man towards the Germans, and deserved to be punished as a man”.

Artykuł: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/bbc/11861398/Revealed-New-evidence-that-executed-wartime-nurse-Edith-Cavells-network-was-spying.html
Wikipedia: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edyta_Luiza_Cavell
Artykuł: http://www.worldwar1.com/heritage/e_cavell.htm

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myrmekochoria - Egzekucja sanitariuszki

Brytyjska sanitariuszka Edith Cavell staje...

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