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Good evening. Something ... something went wrong and I was not going to repeat it again. The election result of the KPI Centipedes is a failure, I think it's a stupid fucking Polish people, these fucking bunch of morons are worried about how that voted for these #!$%@?ów roaches with PiSu this is some fucking. If enough for you to say ... If enough for you to say, people such as community involvement, as my where I put my family, my personal life, business, and everything else you just mean #!$%@? 70 or 80 thousand votes, you should fuck whore, so you should fuck as soon as you can fuck PiS. The platform was so not wyruchała how you wyrucha PiS, whore. Until you will fuck with swędziały kukle pain. It is a drama whore. It is a drama, that its State in the country in which the media whore was not able to say that Zbigniew Stonogę zbezczeszczono that this man has 118 acquittal that these judicial WHORES! Repeat litigation WHORES! Court WHORES this man accused unjustifiably and after years of uniewinniały, that it is not worth to this man to enter Parliament. Will you PiS fucked in the ass, you fucking PiS dymał as you dymała no Platform. This whore, this small Roach, fucking Kaczynski death will destroy you. Sumlińskie, Cana, Rachonie, televisions will fuck you Republic receive a taste of life you fucking idiots. Polish people, idiots. I have it in piździe fuck, because I can afford everything. I'll be live fucking Yes! #!$%@?ę today, I already bought the ticket with the Polish and i will be with you fucking Polish gulls laugh, you are such a silly, those fucking debile who these #!$%@? PiSowskie. Not at the Corvine, not Stonogę, only for some whores ass fucking fucking Jews, Petru, Kukizów #!$%@?ńców voted. It is this fuck Poland. By the #!$%@?ę of Poland, you fucking fuck nothing in this country won't change, because you are worth Dick i need to fuck you, and make you ruchać, because you are a bunch of national #!$%@?ów, losers. Do you understand it? And you dear, who held voted for me who held assisted me, thank you. Because it's a handful of Poles, a handful of Poles, today it is 70 thousand people, maybe 80. (Turn off the phone, because you disable the amen) Yes, Yes, but it's fucking whoring this Polish. Tell you in the snout, finally, are you stupid pricks that are, primitives, that fuck your #!$%@? credit cards it is your Majesty, your dignity. Robot fuck in corporations and the card with overdraft, you fucking poles fuck with you. Not worth it was fucking not worth had to do nothing ... what would you like to ... a pity fuck talk, an injury to shred the snout. Let you ... Listen up. Those who held a stupid fuck voted for PiS let you damn, fuck worth are, anti-poles are. Good night. What is fucking pedal? What you wanted to say? No. Okay, for now, get the fuck out. Fuck, too bad it was 9 criminal cases, school was fucking reveal podsłuchowej scandal. Stupid, stupid fuck, polaczek sticks Poland you to Auschwitz only bring whore, wood burning stove. Too bad it was fucking for you whatever you stupid fuck.
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