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Polski przemysł zbrojeniowy taki stronk. PGZ (cała państwowa zbrojeniówka) na 67. miejscu na świecie.

(...) Na wysokim, 67. miejscu (sprzedaż 1,27 mld dol.) znalazła się Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa. Wcześniej nie była notowana, bo połączenie nastąpiło dopiero w 2013 roku.


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Poland and Ukraine

The major increase in arms sales for Poland is attributable to Polish Armaments Group, the country’s only ranking company in the Top 100. Polish Armaments Group has entered the Top 100 in 2014 due to a government-led process of consolidation of the majority of its arms production, maintenance and repair facilities into a single company. Polish Armaments Group is also benefiting from the increase in Polish military spending, which accelerated in 2015.

UkrOboronProm, a state-owned company that incorporates most of the Ukrainian arms industry, is the only Ukrainian company in the Top 100. It has fallen from 58th position in 2013 to 90th position in 2014, reflecting a decrease in sales of 50.2 per cent compared to 2013. A second Ukrainian company, Motor Sich, has dropped out of the Top 100 altogether. This can largely be explained by conflict-related factors in the country during 2014: a significant decrease in the local currency, which reduces the dollar value of the arms sales; direct disruption of production due to the conflict; the end of Russian–Ukrainian arms trade in mid-2014; and export problems.

Konsolidacja zbrojeniówki to oczywiście kolejna zasługa PO. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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BaronAlvonPuciPusia - Polski przemysł zbrojeniowy taki stronk. PGZ (cała państwowa zb...

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