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#aliexpress #zakupyzchin

Niedawno ktoś dał linka z czapkami za 4 centy, zakupiłem i dziś otrzymałem takiego maila:

Dear friend,

Firstly,i am sherry from the j-choice, I must apologize that I have to ask you to cancel the order form of the cap. Due to the breakdown of our computer system, the price of the cap is shown as 0.04 dollars, which should be 4.3 dollars. I am really sorry for bringing you such trouble. But if you do like our cap, we will give you some discount for you kind. Anyway, I an really sorry for that, and I will be very grateful if you are willing to support our work.I am really sorry for that, since we were off the day before yesterday ,we didnt find the breakdown of our computer system until yesterday morning,

I am really sorry for my mistake,you can cancel the order,for the reason that you dont need this good or other reason or you can not accept our Stock up period. and we will put away goods these days, and then we will give you diacount. and in order to thank for your kindness, i will send you a small gift that i made on my own

do you know Chinese knot, i made them myself, i will send you as gift

Najbardziej mnie ciekawi, co oznacza ten ostatni pogrubiony akapit? Że niby jak anuluję zamówienie, to mi wyśle jakiś supełek ze sznurówek? Czyżby nowy patent majfriendów na zachęcenie do anulowania zamówienia? xD
beliver - #aliexpress #zakupyzchin 

Niedawno ktoś dał linka z czapkami za 4 centy,...

źródło: comment_ESw4X0gSlxM71WKYruOolIxREhnRTvAd.jpg

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