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Communism is a tricky subject. It is an ideology which has been applied differently throughout history, peacefully and with violence e.g Stalinism

All Che Guevara did was support socialist revolutions. The CIA supported nationalist regimes. Che was basically just playing the same game the US was playing.

Also you have to understand that not everyone views the USSR as pure evil, just because you hate them it doesn't mean everyone else does. Speaking purely objectively they did a lot of good


#polityka #reddit #pilkanozna
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@MajkiFajki: Mimo wszystko na wykopie nawet jeśli ktoś zacząłby wychwalać faszyzm to nie spotkałoby się to z jakakolwiek aprobatą, a na reddicie jakieś tumany bronią systemu który był nieporównywalnie gorszy.