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@bartula123: The fix that seems to work best:

Press ~ to bring up the console.

Hit enter, type " iroll20s " no quotes, hit enter again (this enables cheats, you will see a message saying achievements are disabled).

Hit ~ again, Hit enter again, copy/paste " AreaTransition AR0705Gilded_Vale North1 " no quotes, enter that in.

You should be able to play the rest of the game after that.
@bartula123: jeszcze taki fix
"emporal solution that work it for me.

We will need 7zip or some program for open the savefiles.

1. Open 7zip and go to C:\Users\USERNAME\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity in 7zip

2. Open your savefile inside 7zip, in my case 49c623f3-dc4c-4eb7-be78-4e5f14755a5c quicksave.savegame, and delete all the files with Raedric in its name.

3. Open Pillars of Eternity and enjoy.

The only problem with this is that you lose