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Repost z Build a PC ale koleś usuwa go i przenosi go do masterrace na reddicie, zanim to zrobi macie paste z jego testów.

Some Background (I had to delete all the /r/buildapc links, sorry)

Today, I'll give a description of my impressions for configuration

I considered the 4790K and GTX 970 SLI to be the perfect combination for 1440p gaming - it would max every game with a 60 FPS minimum once OC'd. All this while costing $400 less than 980 SLI and producing half the heat of 290X Crossfire.

I had 2 client builds revolving around this exact spec! What could go wrong... other than Nvidia coming out and admitting that they fucked over everyone who bought a 970 by "accidentally" misstating the specs. I immediately spoke to my clients about this issue. They both hired me to specifically build 1440p maxing gaming rigs, and I couldn't sell them 970's in good conscience anymore. The first customer immediately retracted his order and upgraded to 980 SLI. The second customer is likely to switch to a single 980 since she does not want AMD.

Here are the exact specs for this build.

Phanteks Enthoo Luxe, white
Maximus VII Hero
i7 4790K overclocked to 4.7ghz for 24/7, 4.9ghz for benchmarking
Asus GTX 970 Strix SLI
Gskill Trident X 32gb 2400mhz (he is a programmer, shut up)
Samsung 850 Evo 500GB
EVGA 1000 P2 (switching to 1200 P2 for future proofing [think AMD 390X Crossfire & X99)
Swiftech H240-X
ROG Swift 1440p 144hz

--------------GET TO THE DAMN POINT ALREADY!----------------


VRAM USAGE |Min |Avg |Max Settings

3.4gb |20 |47.713 |66 |2x MSAA

3.5 - 3.6gb |27 |42.590 |71 |4x MSAA

At 3.4gb Vram usage and under, this game was smooth. Only on very quick camera turns did the game slow down, and only slightly.

ABOVE the threshold of 3.5gb, the game was still smooth and playable... until you turned the camera. Massive freezes and stutters occured making it impossible to aim with a mouse. I'm pretty sure the maximum FPS is higher because I accidentally swung the camera into the sky a few times. The FPS was not representative of the experience. It felt MUCH worse than 42 fps.


VRAM USAGE |Min |Avg |Max Settings

2.8gb |69 |90.253 |135 |100% resolution scale

3.3 - 3.4gb |38 |46.014 |52 |160% resolution scale

3.5 - 3.6gb |17 |36.629 |55 |165% resolution scale

This was tested using maximum settings with 0x FXAA, max FOV, and 0x motion blur.

EDIT: It seems a lot of people are missing what I did with BF4. I cranked up the resolution scale to purposely induce the Vram related stuttering. No one plays at 165%, it was simply to demonstrate that it could happen in BF4 as well.

At 3.3 to 3.4gb Vram usage, the game ran smoothly. The FPS was expectedly low due to the INSANE resolution scale I had to apply to raise the Vram usage 600mb, but it was still playable. I even killed some tanks, and I'm not very good at that.

ABOVE the 3.5gb threshold was a nightmare. Again, massive stuttering and freezing came into play. The FPS is not representative of the experience. Frametimes were awful (I use Frostbite 3's built in graphs to monitor) and spiking everywhere.


VRAM USAGE |Min |Avg | Max Settings

3.3 - 3.4gb |54 |72.405 |98 |2x MSAA

3.4 - 3.6gb |44 |58.351 |76 |4x MSAA

This was tested using maximum settings including Nvidia Gameworks technology and post processing.

At 3.3 to 3.4gb Vram usage, the game was smooth and very enjoyable. However, I feel 4x MSAA looks noticeably better in this game. TXAA blurs everything horribly, and I can't stand it.

Above the 3.5gb threshold, Farcry 4 actually ran quite well. There was a stutter, but it was significantly lesser than the game breaking ones I experienced in the other games. You do lose smoothness in action packed scenes, but I still found it fairly playable, and the FPS fairly accurately represented the experience.


VRAM USAGE | MIN | AVG | MAX | Settings

3.1gb |46 | 71.627| 88| High textures

3.4 - 3.5 | 2 |67.934| 92| Ultra textures

This was tested using both High and Ultra textures.

At 3.1gb Vram usage, the game played smoothly. I expected higher FPS for the stock results but was very pleased with how much overclocking scaled in this game.

Above the 3.5gb threshold, the game was BARELY playable. I believe it was even playable due to the nature of the game rather than the GTX 970 handling its Vram better in this particular title. Only the minimum FPS was representative of the shitty experience. What was 55 FPS felt like 15.


EDIT: Another disclaimer, as some people have expressed their dissent towards me for posting this at all. None of what I say is 100% fact and solely my opinion and impressions. Thanks.

The GTX 970 is a 3.5gb card. It will perform horribly once 3.5gb of Vram is used and is a deal breaker to many high resolution enthusiasts.

However, if you don't run into the Vram cap (1080p, not a AAA fan), then the card is a very strong performer. Extremely well optimized games like Battlefield 4 will run like butter, but I don't see this card holding its value with texture modded games such as Skyrim, Grand Theft Auto, etc.

P.S. Don't buy Strix GPU's from Newegg. Newegg has a no refund policy and will try to deny your exchange. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!
  • 8
@AmonGoeth: @Lanc: Wszystko spoko, tyle że żeby zapełnić te 3,5GB musiał grać w 1440p przy 4xMSAA a to jest trochę overkill. Miałem kupić drugą 970 do SLI więc mi to krzyżuje plany (poczekam na 390X), ale to nie zmienia faktu że do FHD to jest nadal najlepsza karta na rynku.