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#ligotti #groza #pesymizm #nihilizm #weirdfiction

Taka mała ciekawostka, Ligotti wydał w 2003 mały album (6 kawałków) w którym to czyta swoje prace, w tle przygrywa gitara. Jeśli chodzi o treść spodziewajcie się tego czym przepełniona jest cała twórczość Ligottiego :)
Niestety albumu już nie zdobędziemy wyszedł w ilości około 500 sztuk ale w marnej bo marnej jakości da się go znaleźć w sieci.

You do not own your head:

there are so many heads in the world, wherever you go there are heads, every day there are more of them sprouting up in the blackness. At one time there was nothing at all, only blackness; and then, within the infinite space of that blackness things started to develop. But as soon as those heads came along nothing much has happened -or nothing worthy of note: the whole world reached its peak and turned into an enormous heads factory. Everyday there are more and more of them sprouting up in the blackness -which was there at the beginning -the blackness that, perhaps by chance, began to produce all these heads, and continues to produce so always calling out for more heads to carry out the business it wants done, its black voice roaring across the infinite black space of its heads factory. But none of the heads has any ideas about the blackness that surrounds them or the blackness that hides itself inside each one of them.