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Dzisiaj 25 rocznica upadku muru Berlińskiego więc #historiajednejfotografii

Grupa Napalm Death przed pamiątkowym fragmentem muru Berlińskiego i pewna historia dotycząca tego kawałka muru.

Small section of the Berlin Wall, taken from the Brandenburg Gate, on which the main item of graffiti is 'CHANGE YOUR LIFE' by the graffiti artist 'Indiano'. This 'motto' may have been inspired by the ending of the poem, 'Archaischer Torso Apollos' ('Torso of an Archaic Apollo') by the German poet Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) which concludes with the words 'Du musst dein leben ändern',' which translated means 'You must change your life.

#ciekawostki #historia #niemcy #napalmdeath
g.....n - Dzisiaj 25 rocznica upadku muru Berlińskiego więc #historiajednejfotografii...

źródło: comment_nqkTzwm4JYijxiDC9QvbRc9KR4QwwaG8.jpg
