Koronawirus - wysokojakościowe tl;dr od The Economist (EN)
Jeszcze ciepły najnowszy Economist poświęcił okładkę i parę tekstów tematowi koronawirusa 2019-nCoV. Jak zwykle świetna infopiguła i czysty RiGCz. Dodatkowe teksty w powiązanych, polecam zwłaszcza "briefing". PS: Paywall nie działa bez włączonego javascriptu.
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Komentarze (57)
@eoneon: Cała nadzieja w Podlasiu
The virus is coming
Governments have an enormous amount of work to do
IN PUBLIC HEALTH, honesty is worth a lot more than hope. It has become clear in the past week that the new viral disease,covid-19, which struck China at the start of December will spread around the world. Many governments have been signalling that they will stop the disease. Instead, they need to start preparing people for
Even well-meaning attempts to sugarcoat the truth are self-defeating, because they spread mistrust, rumours and, ultimately, fear. The signal that the disease must be stopped at any cost, or that it is too terrifying to talk about, frustrates efforts to prepare for the virus’s inevitable arrival. As governments dither, conspiracy theories coming out of Russia are already sowing doubt, perhaps to hinder and discredit the response of democracies.
The best time to inform people about the disease is before the epidemic. One message is that fatality is correlated with age. If you are over 80 or you have an underlying condition you are at high risk; if you are under 50 you are not. Now is the moment to persuade the future 80% of mild cases to stay at home and not rush to a hospital. People need to learn to wash their hands often and to avoid touching their face. Businesses need continuity plans, to let staff work from home and to ensure a stand-in can replace a vital employee who is ill or caring for a child or parent. The model is Singapore, which learned from SARS, another coronavirus, that clear, early communication limits
Komentarz usunięty przez moderatora
@soomal: Economist papierowy masz w dużych Empikach za 29 zł za numer.
W prenumeracie rocznej wychodzi koło 22 zł za numer (przychodzi do domu parę dni po opublikowaniu numeru). Jeśli znajdziesz sobie kogoś drugiego z kim będziesz dzielił print + digital (tak że on weźmie print) to koło 15
Komentarz usunięty przez moderatora
Bo tu nie chodzi o śmiertelność wirusa tylko o to jakie reperkusje wirus przyniesie światowym gospodarkom. Istnieje bardzo duże prawdopodobieństwo, że właśnie zaczyna się następny duży kryzys po 2008 roku.