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Nasz bohater:
I am a Suahist who is here simply to find intelligent like minded Africans to build a global network of Africans who plan to become organized around our African racial identity in order to liberate our people and bring in an African Renaissance that will eliminate the current economic trade deficits, political domination by non Africans and cultural imperialism which current retards the growth and develop of African people globally. I am not into listening to the ideals of any non African ie (those born of two black african parents) feel free to keep you complaints, crying and other criticism to yourself. The world Suah comes from the Liberian region of GIO which means new beginning and new era. Suah is pan African ideology that promotes the development of an African nation through the leadership of a vanguard Party over European democracy. I am the founder and creator of this new form of Pan Africanism because I grew tired of the fakers and fools. AbibiFawohodie!
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