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#sztuka #sztukagownoburzy

Edward Ruscha, Smells like back of old hot radio, 1976, pastel na papierze, 59 x 74 cm.


"SMELLS LIKE BACK OF OLD HOT RADIO is based on a childhood experience: the aroma of a wooden-cased radio that has been turned on for an hour or so. It’s the declaration of a simple smell – the hot tubes within the radio mixing with the oils in the wood. Takes me back. "

This is reinforced by the dark and dull brown pastel Ruscha used for the background. It suggests the colour of an old radio, but it also registers as something burnt, a surface that through many years of use has been repeatedly overheated and charred.
c.....t - #sztuka #sztukagownoburzy

Edward Ruscha, Smells like back of old hot radio...

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