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#steam #steamsummersale #surgeonsimulator #recenzja

Heh, recenzja Surgeon Simulator 2013 na Steamie:

Fun game, but that ambulance driver. I mean. COME THE ON. He cant drive that thing steady for 5 ing minutes? I have 2 major issues with that driver. One, I decided to wait until we got to the Hospital. The patient wasnt fatal and was stable. I WAITED 5 ING HOURS, AND WE NEVER GOT THERE. Clearly he has no idea where he was going. He didnt even pull over to let me safely preform the operation. AND 2... While we were driving, the door randomly opened up. Me, wanting the upmost safty durring this operation, decieded that I should close it. It was at that moment that I realized that HE IS SWEARVING TO AVOID NOTHING. This means that my driver was ING WASTED ON THE JOB. So other than a ty partner, good game.

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