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radze sie przygladac #summercoin, cena juz 100% w gore i sporo dobrych wiadomosci:


I'm pleased to announce that SummerCoin has a new dev - soopy452000. He is a very experienced user, with a big knowledge and skills.

He will take over the lead on SummerCoin and take care about this coin and the community.

Here is our roadmap:

- Opening new SummerCoin thread

- Making new, professional SummerCoin website

- Promoting multipools, getting more miners

- Getting listed on the biggest exchanges

- Opening and promoting SummerCoin facebook & twitter

- Making official SummerCoin forum

- Organise big SummerCoin events

- Making promotional SummerCoin video

And more to come

Soon we will start discussing & improving SummerCoin in the new thread

Kind regards Wink

- Strugg, SummerCoin Foundation

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