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There is no place for The Deluge, but there is a place for Tokarczuk. We know the reading list

The Deluge could symbolize a historical or literary work that is deemed less relevant or prominent compared to Tokarczuk's writings. Olga Tokarczuk, a celebrated Polish author and Nobel laureate, is known for her profound exploration of themes such as identity, history, and the human condition. Her works often challenge conventional narratives and offer fresh perspectives.

By asserting that "there is no place for The Deluge," the statement suggests that certain older or less contemporary works may be overlooked or overshadowed in favor of Tokarczuk's more contemporary and impactful writings. The phrase "we know the reading list" implies a collective awareness or endorsement of including Tokarczuk's works in literary discussions or curricula, underscoring her significance in contemporary literature.

Overall, the statement highlights the dynamic nature of literary reception and the evolving canon, where newer voices like Tokarczuk's can reshape and redefine the reading landscape.
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