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#wonziu #makula #jadisco #strumieniezruczaju o #!$%@? ale miałem teraz piorunującą realizację. Widz zapytał łojca o to czy kiedyś wyceluje w młodszą widownię i zacznie streamować z kamerką np. komentarz sytuacji Dr Disrespecta to zapytał "kto to ogląda?" a potem "za moich czasów gry były spoko". Wydaje mi się, że po prostu nie zdaje sobie sprawy z tego, że gaming w trzeciej dekadzie tego wieku to bardziej czysto towarzyski rytuał i niż doświadczanie gry samej w sobie. Jakby sobie uzmysłowił, że na streamach bardziej chodzi o integrację z widzami albo z innymi streamerami niż młócenie to może byłyby jakieś zmiany na kanale. Dalej żywcem zrzynam z reddita:

Since this subreddit is mostly comprised of older folks there's this prevailing idea that younger generations have a shallow taste on games and only engage with live-service/competitive/grindy i.e. "bad" games. I want to offer some insight as someone who has interacted with both demographics.

First of all, more people are playing games, obviously. I think one of the biggest things people misconstrue is that there is a difference between "people who play a game" and "gamers". For example when WoW became popular in in the 2000s you suddenly had an influx of people who have never played a game playing wow, many of whom never ended up playing something else. And the main way this effect propagates is people that don't seek out games being convinced by people that do, which happens the most often in social settings i.e. school. There's lots of younger people that don't seek out other games because they have no interest in gaming, they just play the few games they and their friends care about. So no, your favorite game is not dying because more people are playing minecraft/fortnite, as most of them do not care about other games in the first place, and those that do will eventually find it anyway.

Which brings us to one of the reasons why I think live-service games are so successful as they are. If there's one thing that really changed between the 90s and now is that gaming is not even remotely a niche hobby anymore. The weird kid is no longer the one that plays games, but the one that plays games that most kids don't. Because just about everyone play games people just find groups to play with in real life and there's no real need to look for people online. Thus multiplayer, low cost, and infinite content games are ideal for forming long lasting social circles. Teenagers care about fitting in and the friends they have as social status, and they want to be "in the know" when they hear other people talk about games, so you can see how these games are perfect for those purposes.

One of the common arguments here likes to argue that "gaming isn't social anymore" by citing things like server browser, or random matchmaking, which ignores that the vast majority of social gaming is among real friends and happens off-game like on discord. (most games having extremely terrible community systems and VoIP are also a contributing problem imo, I hope virtual LAN stays dead). And this transition into always talking about games even when not playing it gave rise to those that I call "people that play games as a social practice". This might not be common among millenials or gen-X, but some people genuinely cannot fathom playing games in a non-social setting. Many, many people I play with have tens of thousands of hours playing all kinds of games, but will never do what we do: find a single player game, play it to completion, be personally satisfied with it. This ranges from having friends watch them go through a single player game on discord to solo queueing for the purpose of eventually showing off their rank to other people. They grew up with gaming in an inherently social thing, and to play games is to socialize. And I believe live service games along with this are good things to happen, as long as they don't cannibalize existing studios (which is a tall order, most of us here probably have that one game we liked whose studio ended up making micro-transaction ridden slop)

So yeah, feel free to let me know if which parts remind you of certain people you play with, or which parts seem more like a stretch
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Wydaje mi się, że po prostu nie zdaje sobie sprawy z tego, że gaming w trzeciej dekadzie tego wieku to bardziej czysto towarzyski rytuał i niż doświadczanie gry samej w sobie. Jakby sobie uzmysłowił, że na streamach bardziej chodzi o integrację z widzami albo z innymi streamerami niż młócenie to może byłyby jakieś zmiany na kanale. Dalej żywcem zrzynam z reddita:

@Pandillero: ale #!$%@?, ostatnie co bym chciał to, żeby
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@Pandillero: Wonziu to niestety czlowiek, przeswiadczony o swojej nieomylnosci, nie chcący ewoluowac i krytkujacy caly swiat wokol ale nie siebie. Myslal ze to bedzie trwalo wiecznie, przegapil moment na zmiane tak jak to zrobil RockAlone2K. Nie zdziwilioby mnie gdyby mial powazną depresje.
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@#!$%@?: oglądałem go przez jakiś czas na początku kanału a później stwierdziłem że #!$%@?ć go za bycie simpem i feministą xd
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