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Osoby zainteresowane osobą rotmistrza Pileckiego może to zaciekawić: profil Accidental Talmudist (blog traktujący ogólnie o życiu współczesnego Żyda) udostępnił dziś na fejsbuku wpis dotyczący rotmistrza; cytuje słowa rabina Michaela Schudricha:

/Bóg tworząc człowieka miał na uwadze to, że każdy powinien być taki, jak Witold Pilecki, o którym pamięć niech będzie błogosławiona.


Cały wpis:

Captain Witold Pilecki, a non-Jew, was the only individual in the world to volunteer for capture and imprisonment in Auschwitz concentration camp.

Originally a Polish cavalry officer, he fought against the Nazi invasion in 1939, and continued the fight after Poland fell. He co-founded the Secret Polish Army, a fierce resistance organization.

In 1940, he allowed himself to be captured and sent to Auschwitz, which he believed to be a large prison. Intending to organize resistance and escape, he soon learned that the prison was a death camp, in which Jews were being exterminated on a mass scale.

He survived for three years in Auschwitz, working to elevate morale, set up intelligence networks, and transmit information about the camp to the outside world.

In 1943, he escaped from Auschwitz. He wrote a detailed description of Nazi atrocities within the camp, which was promptly handed to the British.

Upon reading "Witold's Report," authorities in London determined that the British war effort would be hindered if soldiers believed they were fighting to free the Jews, rather than to save England.

Witold's report was suppressed.

He continued fighting the Nazis, #!$%@? in the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. He was caught and held in a German POW camp for the remainder of the war.

Upon release, he took up arms for his beloved Poland once again, now fighting against the Soviet Union.

He was caught, imprisoned and tortured by Soviet authorities, and executed in 1948.

Michael Schudrich, the Chief Rabbi of Poland, wrote, "When G-d created the human being, G-d had in mind that we should all be like Captain Witold Pilecki, of blessed memory."

#rotmistrzpilecki #polska #historia #zydzi
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