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Ekhm ekhm jak tak tylko przypomne ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Quote: "Slovakia wants to be a good, friendly neighbour to Ukraine. We want to show solidarity with you in the misfortune that you are fighting," he said, referring to Russia's full-scale war.

"Russia’s use of force in Ukraine is a violation of international agreements... Ukraine needs help and solidarity," said the Slovak prime minister.

"We all wish that we could find those moments that support your sovereignty and territorial integrity that are integral to you," he went on to say.


#ukraina #slowacja #wojna #ciekawostki
Nedkelly2 - Ekhm ekhm jak tak tylko przypomne ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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@Nedkelly2: no tyle, że Fico też był prorosyjski w swojej retoryce - a to, że głównie na potrzeby wewnętrzne to nie ma znaczenia, bo przeciętny Kowalski tak na to nie patrzy "zgadzam się z premierem, ale tylko na potrzeby wewnętrzne, a zewnętrznie to Ukrainie trzeba pomóc" xD
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@Stabilizator: Nie musial wcale klamac. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Despite such unfavourable starting conditions, the first round of negotiations went quite constructively. As European Pravda's sources in the negotiating group from the Ukrainian side noted, Fico directly acknowledged at the closed part of the negotiations that his scandalous statements were addressed to the domestic audience, while he himself was ready for constructive relations.

"Slovakia wants to be
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