Wpis z mikrobloga

Ok Mirki. Nadszedł ten czas kiedy mogę wam zaprezentować serwer który niebawem ruszy :)

03.05.2024 18:00

Server Info:
Exp rate: 3
Skill rate: 3
Magic rate: 2
Loot rate: 1

Game Features
Real Map with cities:
Thais, Carlin, Venore, Ab'dendriel, Kazordoon, Edron, Liberty Bay, Port Hope, Ankrahmun, Darashia
Completly original map with all quests working.
Old-school 7.92 Content Inlucuding: Outfits & Addon Quests, DHQ, Annihilator, POI and more...
Party Experience Share With Vocation Bonus
Bank Account System
Free PACC Content
Buyable Spells
Houses buying via website with montly payment 50 level
PvP 8 level
Instant skip Rookgaard
Long Term Server
Server Save 10:00 CET

Website: ClasseraOT
Port: 7171
Client: OTClient
Uptime: 24/7

#tibia #wykopots #tibiazwykopem
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