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jakiś mireczek wczoraj wkleił, że dostępny jest preparat - probiotyk będący świętym graalem - "szczepionką" na próchnicę. googlowanie po nazwie szczepu tej bakterii zwraca paper z pubmedu z.... 2002 roku


ciekawe czy to scam, bo jeśli tak to ktoś się napracował

edit: ciekawa wypowiedź na w/w temat z reddita

The original patent holder shelved it because they were unwilling or financially unable to meet the FDA's testing requirements. So no human trials to confirm efficacy or side effects. (There was excellent efficacy and no short or long term side effects in rat studies.) There is no publicly available info about Lumina (street address, phone, financing, key personnel, facilities, etc.) Lumina is headquartered in Próspera, on the tourist island of Roatán in Honduras, South America. While the city is known for crypto, it is not known for the high tech pharmacological manufacturing and expertise that BCS3-L1 would require. Próspera is not subject to Honduran laws, taxes, (or FDA), because it was, for practical purposes, sold to billionaire Peter Theil and his investors . Because of a sketchy area of international law, Theil, et al, are able to sue (and are suing) Honduras for wanting to get out of the bad deal Honduras made with him. I.e., there could be resultant production issues for companies in Próspera. (Look up "ZEDE" and "Investor-State Dispute Settlement" if you're up for a major rabbit hole.) The above also means that you'd have a hell of a time trying to sue them. So, I'm going to wait a year or two, and let other pay to be their guinea pig.

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