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#rosja #wojna #ukraina

Ukraine may have temporarily paused counter offensive.
Kyiv's forces may have temporarily halted their counteroffensive to re-evaluate their tactics for future operations, according to the Institute for the Study of War (ISW).
Estonian Defense Forces Intelligence Center Colonel Margo Grosberg said on 16 June that in his assessment "we won't see an offensive over the next seven days".
The Wall Street Journal similarly reported on 17 June that Ukrainian forces "have mostly paused their advances in recent days" as the command in Kyiv re-examines tactics.
The ISW says in its latest update on the war that these reports are consistent with their recent observations of the scale and approach of localised Ukrainian counterattacks in southern and eastern parts of the country.
It adds that Ukraine has not yet committed the majority of its available forces to the counteroffensive operations and does not yet appear to have launched its main effort.
Operational pauses are a common feature of major offensive undertakings, and this pause does not signify the end of Ukraine’s counteroffensive, the update added.

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źródło: Zrzut ekranu 2023-06-19 072929
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@tentin_quarantino: Akurat ruscy swoją ofensywę zapauzowali zimą. Nikt już nie pamięta , że nawet jakąś mieli, bo tak słaba była. Wuhledar był np. jej częścią. Zostawili jedynie Bachmut jako maszynkę do mielenia mięsa, bo nigdzie im ofensywa nie wyszła. Była tak mizerna, że eksperci nie wiedzieli, czy to ofensywa czy nie.

A teraz onucarstwo drwi z ofensywy UA zapominając, ze całkiem niedawno ruska totalnie się skompromitowała ( ͡° ͜ʖ