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Taki wpis wrzucilem na Reddit co myslicie sami? Moje myslenie ma sens czy szukam dziury w calym?
"It drives me crazy, but did I just found an answer?

Hi Reddit,

For few weeks now I'm tracking criminal activity in USA, Mexico, South America and United Kingdom society...

It came to me like a lightbulb above my head and I need you to think where you are from? Who you are? and How did you came to this thoughts.

Recently while being on youtube I followed mass shoting news in USA "while" it was actually happening! Helicopter view, immediatly tictok and twitter posts starts to appear WHILE it was happening right...

Any car chase I belive quite often it is showed on TV while it is happening in USA...


Go to "watchpeopledie.tv" and you will see what mexico and south america is now right now...

United Kingdom

Stabbings all over the country daily, (50k+ incidents last year)

My question right now...

Are people in USA decide to do mass shootings and car chase because you saw it on TV? when you commit a crime your thoughts are lets run away? When you are angry you think.. Lets get a rifle and shoot these people? - BECAUSE thats what's on TV News all day everyday?

Mexico... why people and cartels are so barbaric? why life doesn't matter in your country at all :( Is it tictoc? or some social media that you guys using that spread this so much like news?

United Kingdom,

Stabbings are well hidden in current news, but we all hear about it, we all live in a neighborhood where someone died or got stabbed.

IS IT THE NEWS THAT DRIVES US TO THIS? CHANGED OUR THOUGHT PROCESS? We do what we see because its a daily thing and it become normal...

I hate the society I live in... want to fix it, but to fix it I need to understand it first. Please reply"
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tlumaczone maszynowo:
Cześć Reddicie,

Od kilku tygodni śledzę działalność przestępczą w społeczeństwie USA, Meksyku, Ameryki Południowej i Wielkiej Brytanii...

To przyszło do mnie jak żarówka nad moją głową i potrzebuję, żebyś pomyślał, skąd jesteś? Kim jesteś? i jak doszedłeś do tych myśli.

Ostatnio będąc na youtube śledziłem wiadomości o masowych strzelaninach w USA "kiedy" to się działo! Widok z helikoptera, natychmiast pojawiają się posty z tictok i twitter, PODCZAS gdy działo się
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When you are angry you think.. Lets get a rifle and shoot these people? - BECAUSE thats what's on TV News all day everyday?

No, you get a rifle and shoot these people because you're angry, they're disgusting and you fucking hate them.
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@ZnOyUK91 co to za bulszit jeśli chodzi o UK? jakie 50 tysięcy zdarzeń w poprzednim roku? jakie ukrywanie przez media? o czym ty #!$%@? za przeproszeniem
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